Exploration and description / Formulae

Let us now extend these calculations to estimate the total number of cattle in the sub-region.

Let T1 ... Tn be the estimated totals of cattle in the n dip-tank areas sampled, and M1 ... Mn be the numbers of homesteads in these dip-tank areas.

As we have already seen, the estimated total Ti for the ith dip-tank area can be written: Ti = i Mi (i = 1... n). Also, the variance of Ti is given by Si2 = Mi (Mi-mi) si2/mi, where, as before, mi is the number of homesteads sampled in dip-tank area i, and si2 is the variance of this sample.

An unbiased estimate of the average number of animals per homestead across the n sampled dip-tank areas (n=4 in Lobamba - see three pages back) can then be written as = (T1+...+Tn) / (M1+...+Mn).

Suppose that there are N dip-tank areas in the sub-region (N=13 in Lobamba) and that the number of homesteads with livestock Mi is also known in each of the dip-tank areas that were not sampled. Then an unbiased estimate of the total for the sub-region, assuming that the sampled dip-tank areas were selected at random, is: T = (M1+...+MN).